Fake Artist Keeping It Real

13 January 2010

New Year'$ Resolution

It's been 3 years since I graduated in art and surprise, I have held jobs that have nothing to do with art. Trying to make it in the art world is like trying to make it as a rockstar or novelist, and I'm not completely stupid enough to try (though people sometimes confuse that as inspirational, ie "Rudy").

A couple months ago, my husband and I entertained the idea of changing our fortunes (pun intended) and are now figuring out how to make it happen--ways to save and make more $. I'm also going to be buying new art supplies to start my new painting series. It's in the budget (!) and as it progresses, wish me luck in securing additional funding. Ima need it. It's like 9 paintings... :-/

S/P at the SMC Rome Office, 2005