Dear xxx,
Thanks for letting us know about the issue.I'm also sorry that you're frustrated, and it's my job to take in feedback, but I would hope that people would be a little bit kinder to Customer Service people so that we can do our job better and think of the ways we could advocate system change instead of simply getting beat down with hostility . It's our job to listen (though there may be a better way to get rid of redundancies--for example, your voice mail was transcribed and left on my desk, but because there was no order number provided, I wouldn't have been able to see the notes written on your order from the email yesterday so I was only able to leave a message based on the information left on my desk), fix the immediate issue (send you a replacement), and forward feedback to our team for a long-term solution for the difficulty you ran into. However it's not necessary that I receive a beating for the point to come across.
And I'm not sure how my tone comes through, but I write it w/a sad, heavy and weary heart...I just don't think service folks should be treated like this. Most people are actually pretty understanding but there a couple of people who just go off on you. I'm sorry if there are things going on in your life or maybe I didn't get the memo that that's an effective way to communicate. Hey, at least you have passion :-)
But either way, we'll be shipping the replacement out in the next two days. If you'd prefer a refund, just reply back. Thanks!